Eighth Grade students: 
Along with parent/guardian will meet individually with the Junior High Counselor to review their CCR plan. 
They will discuss the importance of grades and credits, set up a tentative course schedule for the next 4 years, using the electronic plan, discuss opportunities that are available through extracurricular activities, college and career choices, talk about scholarships that are available and how to do searches, what can be expected with their High School experience, and discuss any questions or concerns that the parent/guardian or student may have.

Seventh Grade students: 
Will meet as a small group for their CCR plan which will include discussing grade and credit expectations, college and career choices, scholarships that are available and how to do searches, what extracurricular activities or groups that are offered, they will be taught through CTE classes about life lessons and how to make career choices and set goals towards higher education. The Counselor will make sure social and academic transitions are smooth when students enter the Junior High.

Sixth Grade students: 
Will meet as a small group and be welcomed into Junior High. They will discuss what is expected during the next six years, and will be given ideas on how to become involved in the extracurricular activities or groups that are available, and will be informed on where they can go to get the information or help that may be needed.


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